It is important to know the signs of an air ducts leak so you can quickly and efficiently fix them. There are many different leaky air ducts leak signs that your home may be suffering from if you have not noticed yet.

Here are some of the most common leaky air ducts leak signs:


1. It’s been a while since you’ve had your ducts cleaned

It’s been a while since you’ve had your ducts cleaned. Cleaning them is an important part of maintaining your home and preventing expensive repairs in the future. A professional duct cleaning service can clean your ducts and get them back to working order in no time.


2. You have a constant draft coming from vents in the house

If you have a constant draft coming from your vents, it may be an indication that you have leaky air ducts. Leaky air ducts can cause your home to lose heat in the winter and cool air in the summer, which can lead to higher energy bills. If you think you may have leaky air ducts, call a professional to come and take a look. They will be able to fix the problem and help you save money on your energy bills.


3. Your furnace or air conditioner is running more often than usual to keep up with demand

Another air duct leak sign is if your furnace or air conditioner is running more often than usual.

Air ducts are more common than you would think. Even small leaks can lead to wasted heating and cooling but also increase energy bills which can be problematic for any homeowner. If you think that leaky air ducts may be the problem (especially if your furnace or A/C cuts on and off more than it used to), one of the first things you should do is hire a professional to inspect your home’s system and see what he can find. The sooner leaky air ducts are detected, the cheaper they will be to fix, so don’t wait too long!


4. You notice mold and mildew on the walls near vents, which can lead to respiratory problems

Mold and mildew can be a sign that your air ducts are leaking. If you notice mold and mildew on the walls near your vents, it’s important to call a professional to inspect your home’s air ducts. Leaky air ducts can cause mold and mildew to grow, which can lead to respiratory problems. Don’t wait to call a professional if you think you may have leaky air ducts - the sooner they’re fixed, the better.


5. Increased draft coming through your vents

An increase in the draft coming through your vents is sure sign that you have a leaky air duct leak. Almost all air duct leak signs can be fixed with easy and high-quality repairs but also need to be addressed early on in order for them not to cause bigger problems down the home’s line or throughout time and spend more money.


6. Home feels excessively humid or warm during winter months

Another clue leaky air ducts are in your home is if you feel warmer than usual indoors when it’s cold outside. When the heating system turns on your furnace fan circulates hot air through leaky ducts that then leak into areas where you’re feeling the warmth, but an increase in humidity also happens which makes rooms seem even hotter. This can lead to allergens forming and mold growth, so take action before condensation begins to form inside your leaky attic.


7. The insulation around your vents has deteriorated or fallen off completely

Another sign for leaky air ducts happens when the insulation around your vents has deteriorated or even fallen off completely. When these materials have been damaged, you might not notice a leak at first, but over time it can lead to other problems within your home. In particular, if mold and mildew have been growing behind the drywall near your vents this is another indication that there is a leak somewhere in your ducts. You’ll want to take action before things get worse and you find out just how much damage a leaky system can cause!


Call the Pros

Leaky air ducts will need to be addressed early on before they cause more damage or cost you money unnecessarily by running your furnace/air conditioner too much (and consequently paying for wasted heating or cooling). If you think you have a leak in your air ducts, contact Air Force Air Conditioning & Heating today! Our team is ready, willing, and able to help with anything leak-related whether it’s an inspection, repair job, or even replacement work!