DIY: How to Change Your AC Filter

DIY: How to Change Your AC Filter

Did you know that over 90% of homes nationwide have air conditioner units? Your AC filter is one of the most basic parts of your AC unit, but it makes a crucial difference in the longevity and performance of your AC or HVAC system. Have you wondered ‘how to change AC filter?’ Regularly changing your air filter can help you avoid costly repairs and services down the road. It is also cost-friendly and easy to change! If you aren’t sure where to start, we have put together a complete guide on AC filter replacements, how to change them, and how you can improve your AC’s performance, so keep reading for more information!   Air Conditioner Types The type of air conditioner you have will play a role in how you replace a filter. There are three main types of filter units you may have: Central air conditioner Air handler cabinet Window AC Central air conditioner filters are found in the return duct. Outside AC unit filters are also found in this region too. Air handler cabinet filters can be reusable or disposable, so consult your manual before tackling this project. Lastly, window AC units are relatively straightforward. Simply locate the front of the unit, and after you remove the cover, you should easily detect the filter.   Is an HVAC Filter Different Than an AC Filter? Heating and cooling air filters are the same, and replacing one can help the other in HVAC units. The only exception is wall-mounted air conditioners with completely separate furnaces. Air handler cabinets often release the same air from the furnace or AC unit. HVAC filters can...
Portable AC vs Window AC: Pros and Cons

Portable AC vs Window AC: Pros and Cons

Over 87% of homes in the United States use air conditioning equipment. Are you considering becoming a part of that statistic by purchasing a new AC unit? While there are varying air conditioning units, we will focus on portable AC vs. Window AC. These are the most common units that you will find in someone’s home. Throughout this guide, you will first learn how air conditioners work. Afterward, you will learn the differences between window and portable air conditioning units and when you should choose one over the other.   How Do Air Conditioners Work? Before you learn about the differences between a portable AC unit and a window unit, you will want to understand how air conditioners work. First off, these units use liquid refrigerants that companies designed to remove heat from the surrounding air. After the refrigerant removes heat from the air, it will move toward coils inside the AC. From there, the refrigerant will evaporate and evacuate the heat outside your home. Finally, the leftover cool air turns the refrigerant back into a liquid and begins the AC cycle again.   Portable AC vs. Window AC: What Are the Differences? Window air conditioners are a single unit that you need to install in your windows. You must ensure that your window has a nearby plug outlet when installing these units because you will need it for this AC unit. Portable air conditioners are units you can place anywhere in your home near a window and a plug outlet. You will need to open your window to filter the warm air outside with these units. Both air...
How Air Conditioners Work

How Air Conditioners Work

Wondering how air conditioners work? Being aware of how your A/C works can give you the information you need to keep your A/C in top condition, as well as work out what to do to resolve any problems that develop. Read on to discover how your air conditioning works, as well as understand the signs to look out for that could indicate that your system needs attention.   How Your Air Conditioner Works The air conditioning process largely relies on physics! If gas is subjected to increased pressure, its temperature rises (provided its volume remains constant). In contrast, if a gas experiences a reduction in pressure (at constant volume), its temperature will decrease. It is this principle that explains how air conditioners transfer heat from one place to another.   The Role of Freon The gas which is used in A/C to achieve heat transfer between the interior of your property and the exterior is Freon. Freon always contains fluorine and carbon. It may also contain other halogens, such as chlorine and/or bromine. Some Freon compounds are classed as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), others are classed as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Despite the different chemical compositions that different types of Freon may have, all variants are characterized by: High latent heat (which means the compound takes up a considerable amount of heat as it changes state from liquid to gas). A high critical temperature. The critical temperature is the temperature at which a gas won’t readily condense back into liquid form, even with the use of a compressor. Obviously, the higher this is, the more heat the gas can absorb and still work...
7 Signs That Your Air Ducts Are Leaking

7 Signs That Your Air Ducts Are Leaking

It is important to know the signs of an air ducts leak so you can quickly and efficiently fix them. There are many different leaky air ducts leak signs that your home may be suffering from if you have not noticed yet. Here are some of the most common leaky air ducts leak signs:   1. It’s been a while since you’ve had your ducts cleaned It’s been a while since you’ve had your ducts cleaned. Cleaning them is an important part of maintaining your home and preventing expensive repairs in the future. A professional duct cleaning service can clean your ducts and get them back to working order in no time.   2. You have a constant draft coming from vents in the house If you have a constant draft coming from your vents, it may be an indication that you have leaky air ducts. Leaky air ducts can cause your home to lose heat in the winter and cool air in the summer, which can lead to higher energy bills. If you think you may have leaky air ducts, call a professional to come and take a look. They will be able to fix the problem and help you save money on your energy bills.   3. Your furnace or air conditioner is running more often than usual to keep up with demand Another air duct leak sign is if your furnace or air conditioner is running more often than usual. Air ducts are more common than you would think. Even small leaks can lead to wasted heating and cooling but also increase energy bills which can...
Signs You Need To Change Your Home Air Filter

Signs You Need To Change Your Home Air Filter

A dirty air filter reduces airflow, which can prevent your heater or air conditioner from working properly. It also means you’ll be using more energy to heat or cool the same space when an air filters is clogged with dirt and debris. Dirty air filters could impact indoor air quality by trapping dust, pollen, pet dander and other particles that can aggravate allergies and asthma. A dirty air filter can also damage heating and cooling equipment and reduce system efficiency, which will cause your HVAC system to work harder and shorten its life. Your heater or air conditioner may experience increased wear and tear when the unit runs for a longer period of time.   What Air Filters Do Air filters are designed to remove particles from the air inside your home. Airborne particles can come from a variety of sources, including dust and pollen in the outdoor environment, pet dander, cigarette smoke or other chemicals that may be present in your home’s indoor air supply. Most homeowners have their own needs for an air filter based on allergies and asthma symptoms they experience when exposed to airborne irritants. Air filters typically work by trapping these particles before they reach you and cause irritation or illness. A dirty air filter will not only reduce airflow into the system but also damage heating and cooling equipment which reduces efficiency causing more wear on systems requiring longer run times to complete tasks such as heating a room or cooling it down during warmer months where this is more of a concern.   Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Air Filter If...
When Is It Too Cold To Run Your Air Conditioner?

When Is It Too Cold To Run Your Air Conditioner?

Nowadays, almost every home in Ventura County use an air conditioner (AC) to cool down during the hot weather. It can regulate the temperature inside a room and ensure it’s comfortable for anyone inside. However, some people have varying levels of comfort. Let’s face it, winter is SoCal can actually get pretty hot during the days, but cools off significantly at night. With the hot days, the 2nd story of a home can heat up during the day and many like to turn the AC on before bed to cool things off. You may not have considered that it is not ideal to turn your home AC on when it is cold out. Doing so may actually cause damage to the the unit.   Will Running AC in Cold Weather Damage It? If you turn on your AC when it’s cold outside, you may end up damaging your unit. Indeed, some models aren’t meant to be turned on during the colder seasons. For instance, ACs with a condensing unit placed outdoors aren’t designed to work in cold weather. The oil inside the machine can thicken when the temperature drops. If this happens, your air conditioner’s compressor and other parts won’t work well since they’re not well-lubricated. You may end up breaking your AC if you turn it on during the winter. On the other hand, if your unit uses a lighter grade oil, it’ll work fine even with a low outdoor temperature. However, your AC won’t serve its primary purpose during the summer if you use a light lubricant that doesn’t thicken when cooled. If the temperature gets too...